This policy applies to brands, websites, apps, advertising services, products, services, or technologies (which we share) as a service).Plugsound Box regroups the six individual plug-ins, allowing musicians to access the entire sound library at once, a whooping 3.56 GB of sounds in total. We reserve the right to restrict yourself to a free trial or free paid service promotion and combination of free trial or other promotions. This information includes device-specific identifiers and information such as IP address, cookie information, mobile devices, and advertisement identifiers, browser version, type of operating system and version, mobile network information, device settings, and software data. In some cases, you continue to pay a payment method beyond the expiration date and subject to approval by payment institution or issuing bank. In such cases, you and Eid agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of Ontario Province and undertake to waive any objection to the exercise of the parties jurisdiction by such courts and to any jurisdiction in such courts. The source code of our software, unless the law prohibits these restrictions, or you have our explicit written permission.

We may import payment information that you have entered in a previous purchase, and allow you to use this payment information when you purchase a new product.

If the paid service includes a third party product, you understand and agree that the purchase and use of the service is also subject to third party terms and policies and guidelines that you should read carefully before accepting them. None of these provisions affect the statutory rights that you, as consumers, have under Irish and EU law that can not be changed or terminated by contract.

You must have the necessary rights to grant us the license described in this section 6 (b) for content that you upload, share with or send to the Services.